nomad.reflectionsA Critic against Plato : What is Aristotle’s Philosophy?To cut it short, for Aristotle, the truth of all things exists within the world itself. Meaning, the existence of another world is not…Jan 25, 2023Jan 25, 2023
nomad.reflectionsCausation Theory of AristotleContext: 1. A Critic against Plato : What is Aristotle’s Philosophy? 2. Plato’s Theory of Idea’s and Theory of FormsJan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
nomad.reflectionsPlato Vs Aristotle : FormsAccording to both Plato and Aristotle, matter is the material from which all things are made and that matter is indefinite and…Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
nomad.reflectionsPlato vs Aristotle : SubstancePlato : Substance are ideas. PeriodFeb 11, 2023Feb 11, 2023