Activities of Monads
Prerequisites :
Monads: The Spiritual Atoms
As explained earlier, every monad contains within it everything that is there in the universe.
But if we are to take this at face value, then it would mean that there is no difference between individual things and everything is the same. In order to solve this problem, Leibniz introduces his law of identity of indiscernible.
According to this law, each monad presents its own individual perspective of the universe, and therefore different monads contain different perspectives. From the hierarchy mentioned in the previous article, it is clear that all monads do not function at the same level. Even if their basic characteristics are the same, they are different in degree of consciousness.
All monads differ from each other in respect of their order of continuity, and their position in space and time. Therefore, no two monads are identical. This forms the first activity of a monad, Perception.
The second activity of the monad is appetition. Accordingly, every monad in the universe is swayed by its natural tendency to seek good for itself and avoid the bad. For example, Human Monads are inclined to fulfill their physical and emotional appetition and a rock monad is inclined to further stabilize its physical structure.
It is through these two activities, monads work independently.
But then, this doesn't explain how a change in one thing can cause a change in another thing.
To solve this, he propounds the theory of Pre-Established Harmony. According to this theory, there is one master plan of the creator or God. Each Monad tries to realize this plan. All monads work independently to reach this one plan and therefore, harmony is reached in their working.
This kind of harmony is established by God from the very beginning of creation, and a change in one monad leads to a simultaneous change in another, harmoniously.
How does immaterial Monad explain the material universe?
To solve this, he proposes materia prima and materia secunda.
By materia prima, he means the “building blocks” of material things that monads use to create the universe.
As each monad is bound by its natural tendencies, Pre-Established Harmony takes place causing the immaterial materia prima to create material materia secunda — the material individual things that we can see.
Pre-Established harmony ensures that there is harmony between immaterial and material realms. Everything created in the material realm is in harmony with other materially created things.
Leibniz's view on the Mind-Body problem